Website Design
Your website is your showcase to the world. Your website promotes your business, explains your services, sells your products and provides your first level of customer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Your website should be working for you. It should be a reliable asset and certainly should not just be an expensive luxury.
Connect with customers
Having the right website can make running and developing your business so much easier. The most important role your website can perform is to connect with people looking for your services or products but who have never heard of you. To fulfil this role efficiently your website must be able to grab someone’s attention and persuade them to stay with you. Research has shown that a typical website only has an average of ten seconds to relay your sales pitch and give a visitor that essential reason to stay.
A reputation built on honesty
We work with our clients to create websites which help them run their businesses. It is no coincidence that 90% of our new clients find us from referrals. We believe the main reasons are our expertise, our friendliness and our honesty. If you would like a chat about what we can do for you then why not contact us today on 01953 425 932 or request a FREE QUOTE.
Website Design
Your website is your showcase to the world. Your website promotes your business, explains your services, sells your products and provides your first level of customer support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Your website should be working for you. It should be a reliable asset and certainly should not just be an expensive luxury.
Connect with customers
Having the right website can make running and developing your business so much easier. The most important role your website can perform is to connect with people looking for your services or products but who have never heard of you. To fulfil this role efficiently your website must be able to grab someone’s attention and persuade them to stay with you. Research has shown that a typical website only has an average of ten seconds to relay your sales pitch and give a visitor that essential reason to stay.
A reputation of honesty
We work with our clients to create websites which help them run their businesses. It is no coincidence that 90% of our new clients find us from referrals. We believe the main reasons are our expertise, our friendliness and our honesty. If you would like a chat about what we can do for you then why not contact us today on 01953 425 932 or request a FREE QUOTE.
WordPress Websites
Around 60% of websites are now built using WordPress. Having your website built using WordPress can provide a range of advantages. You can add content yourself which reduces maintenance and the costs of updates. WordPress also has thousands of templates available enabling you to choose the perfect design for your business. Graphical elements can easily be added to grab a visitor’s attention and encourage them to linger on your website.
Content management as standard
With an extensive library of plugins available for WordPress tasks such as integrating an online shop become relatively easy to accomplish. Our clients who have WordPress websites hosted by us have a leading graphical editor installed which only requires basic computer skills to enable them to edit their own content. Should they require something a little more complicated then we are always here to provide coaching or technical support. There are also hundreds of videos and tutorials available online for our more adventurous clients.
We fill in the blanks
A common misconception is that if you create your website with WordPress then it will automatically display correctly on any device and be found at the top of search engine results lists with no extra effort. Most templates are designed to resize correctly for a range of devices but a few tweaks will often be needed to complete the website once content has been added. WordPress has some very good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tools but they are just tools. Knowledge and experience is required to use the tools to ensure a WordPress website stands the best chance of being found for your carefully selected search terms.
If you think a WordPress website may be right for you then contact us today on 01953 425 932 for a chat about your requirements or request a FREE QUOTE.
WordPress Websites
Around 60% of websites are now built using WordPress. Having your website built using WordPress can provide a range of advantages. You can add content yourself which reduces maintenance and the costs of updates. WordPress also has thousands of templates available enabling you to choose the perfect design for your business. Graphical elements can easily be added to grab a visitor’s attention and encourage them to linger on your website.
Content management as standard
With an extensive library of plugins available for WordPress tasks such as integrating an online shop become relatively easy to accomplish. Our clients who have WordPress websites hosted by us have a leading graphical editor installed which only requires basic computer skills to enable them to edit their own content. Should they require something a little more complicated then we are always here to provide coaching or technical support. There are also hundreds of videos and tutorials available online for our more adventurous clients.
We fill in the blanks
A common misconception is that if you create your website with WordPress then it will automatically display correctly on any device and be found at the top of search engine results lists with no extra effort. Most templates are designed to resize correctly for a range of devices but a few tweaks will often be needed to complete the website once content has been added. WordPress has some very good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tools but they are just tools. Knowledge and experience is required to use the tools to ensure a WordPress website stands the best chance of being found for your carefully selected search terms.
If you think a WordPress website may be right for you then contact us today on 01953 425 932 for a chat about your requirements or request a FREE QUOTE.
WordPress Websites
Around 60% of websites are now built using WordPress. Having your website built using WordPress can provide a range of advantages. You can add content yourself which reduces maintenance and the costs of updates. WordPress also has thousands of templates available enabling you to choose the perfect design for your business. Graphical elements can easily be added to grab a visitor’s attention and encourage them to linger on your website.
CMS as standard
With an extensive library of plugins available for WordPress tasks such as integrating an online shop become relatively easy to accomplish. Our clients who have WordPress websites hosted by us have a leading graphical editor installed which only requires basic computer skills to enable them to edit their own content. Should they require something a little more complicated then we are always here to provide coaching or technical support. There are also hundreds of videos and tutorials available online for our more adventurous clients.
We fill in the blanks
A common misconception is that if you create your website with WordPress then it will automatically display correctly on any device and be found at the top of search engine results lists with no extra effort. Most templates are designed to resize correctly for a range of devices but a few tweaks will often be needed to complete the website once content has been added. WordPress has some very good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tools but they are just tools. Knowledge and experience is required to use the tools to ensure a WordPress website stands the best chance of being found for your carefully selected search terms.
If you think a WordPress website may be right for you then contact us today on 01953 425 932 for a chat about your requirements or request a FREE QUOTE.
Search Engine Optimisation
You could have the best looking website in the world but it would be a waste of time and money if no one can find it. Search Engine Optimisation otherwise known as SEO encompasses a collection of techniques which combine to try to get your website placed as high as possible on search engine results pages. Research has shown that around half of people browsing the internet will not look past the first page of results and less than one in five people will look past the second page. If your website is on page three or later for your chosen search terms then it is like having a fantastic poster created then displaying it in a cupboard.
There is no quick fix for search engine optimisation. We have heard of all manner of magical techniques which are supposed to get your website to a number one spot with very little effort. We can guarantee that without exception they simply do not work. It takes time, effort, expertise and experience to correctly optimise a website. Most of our techniques follow a simple policy of giving the search engines what they want in order for them to provide the best service they can to their own clients. The internet has changed so much over the years but the fundamental principles of SEO remain the same.
We often describe a website as an iceberg with the bit you see on the screen as only a small part of the work. When we design a website we include search engine optimisation as standard rather than an expensive add-on. We start by considering your target audience. What would they search for? How would they phrase their search terms? What are the best search terms to use to get the maximum return for your investment? Just getting your website hits is not enough. What you really need is the kind of visitors which convert into profits. Once you start getting those then making your business a success becomes a bit easier.
If your website is not being found then call us today on 01953 425 932 or fill in our contact form and we will check why.
Search Engine Optimisation
You could have the best looking website in the world but it would be a waste of time and money if no one can find it. Search Engine Optimisation otherwise known as SEO encompasses a collection of techniques which combine to try to get your website placed as high as possible on search engine results pages. Research has shown that around half of people browsing the internet will not look past the first page of results and less than one in five people will look past the second page. If your website is on page three or later for your chosen search terms then it is like having a fantastic poster created then displaying it in a cupboard.
There is no quick fix for search engine optimisation. We have heard of all manner of magical techniques which are supposed to get your website to a number one spot with very little effort. We can guarantee that without exception they simply do not work. It takes time, effort, expertise and experience to correctly optimise a website. Most of our techniques follow a simple policy of giving the search engines what they want in order for them to provide the best service they can to their own clients. The internet has changed so much over the years but the fundamental principles of SEO remain the same.
We often describe a website as an iceberg with the bit you see on the screen as only a small part of the work. When we design a website we include search engine optimisation as standard rather than an expensive add-on. We start by considering your target audience. What would they search for? How would they phrase their search terms? What are the best search terms to use to get the maximum return for your investment? Just getting your website hits is not enough. What you really need is the kind of visitors which convert into profits. Once you start getting those then making your business a success becomes a bit easier.
If your website is not being found then call us today on 01953 425 932 or fill in our contact form and we will check why.
You could have the best looking website in the world but it would be a waste of time and money if no one can find it. Search Engine Optimisation otherwise known as SEO encompasses a collection of techniques which combine to try to get your website placed as high as possible on search engine results pages. Research has shown that around half of people browsing the internet will not look past the first page of results and less than one in five people will look past the second page. If your website is on page three or later for your chosen search terms then it is like having a fantastic poster created then displaying it in a cupboard.
There is no quick fix for search engine optimisation. We have heard of all manner of magical techniques which are supposed to get your website to a number one spot with very little effort. We can guarantee that without exception they simply do not work. It takes time, effort, expertise and experience to correctly optimise a website. Most of our techniques follow a simple policy of giving the search engines what they want in order for them to provide the best service they can to their own clients. The internet has changed so much over the years but the fundamental principles of SEO remain the same.
We often describe a website as an iceberg with the bit you see on the screen as only a small part of the work. When we design a website we include search engine optimisation as standard rather than an expensive add-on. We start by considering your target audience. What would they search for? How would they phrase their search terms? What are the best search terms to use to get the maximum return for your investment? Just getting your website hits is not enough. What you really need is the kind of visitors which convert into profits. Once you start getting those then making your business a success becomes a bit easier.
If your website is not being found then call us today on 01953 425 932 or fill in our contact form and we will check why.
Selling products online is a very different prospect to selling products in a high street shop. For example, suppose you want a new phone. If you visit a phone shop and you do not see exactly what you want then the chances are you will still spend time browsing because you know the next shop might be a five minute walk away. However, when you shop on the Internet the next online store is never more than a click away. Because of that simple but very important difference the priorities for an online shop are not the same as those for a high street shop. Ecommerce is a bit like having a whole street of phone shops next to each other. When you have lots of shopping choices just a few steps apart other factors become far more important.
First impressions are everything
For an online shop first impressions are everything. If your visitor does not see a reason to browse your products then they will leave. Information has to be presented in a way which someone can absorb at a glance. Your products should have a full description with plenty of images or videos as that helps them be found online but everything needs to be laid out in a way which is not overwhelming to a potential customer. Anyone browsing online cannot pick up a product the way they can in a physical shop so the information you provide needs to be as complete as possible.
We can help you create your online store and show you how to add the products using the best techniques to encourage sales. We have helped create online stores selling thousands of products and ensured those products featured prominently in search results. If you are thinking of selling your products online or maybe you already do and want to improve your sales figures then contact us today on 01953 425 932 or request for a FREE QUOTE.
Selling products online is a very different prospect to selling products in a high street shop. For example, suppose you want a new phone. If you visit a phone shop and you do not see exactly what you want then the chances are you will still spend time browsing because you know the next shop might be a five minute walk away. However, when you shop on the Internet the next online store is never more than a click away. Because of that simple but very important difference the priorities for an online shop are not the same as those for a high street shop. Ecommerce is a bit like having a whole street of phone shops next to each other. When you have lots of shopping choices just a few steps apart other factors become far more important.
First impressions are everything
For an online shop first impressions are everything. If your visitor does not see a reason to browse your products then they will leave. Information has to be presented in a way which someone can absorb at a glance. Your products should have a full description with plenty of images or videos as that helps them be found online but everything needs to be laid out in a way which is not overwhelming to a potential customer. Anyone browsing online cannot pick up a product the way they can in a physical shop so the information you provide needs to be as complete as possible.
We can help you create your online store and show you how to add the products using the best techniques to encourage sales. We have helped create online stores selling thousands of products and ensured those products featured prominently in search results. If you are thinking of selling your products online or maybe you already do and want to improve your sales figures then contact us today on 01953 425 932 or request for a FREE QUOTE.
Online Database Design
Online Databases
We have been creating database solutions for clients for over two decades. The initial databases were desktop based systems but all the current databases we look after are now hosted and used online. Putting a database online provides so many advantages including easy maintenance, low equipment costs, data security and disaster resilience.

We currently look after several online databases for clients as well as our own asbestos survey and management tool called Survey JEM. We have always designed databases to be as user friendly as possible. As a result our software has a very low training requirement and a high level of data quality. Ensuring our online applications are easy to use saves our clients time and money but also ensures the lowest possible amount of embarrassing mistakes are passed on to their own clients.
We have been creating database solutions for clients for over two decades. The initial databases were desktop based systems but all the current databases we look after are now hosted and used online. Putting a database online provides so many advantages including easy maintenance, low equipment costs, data security and disaster resilience.
We currently look after several online databases for clients as well as our own asbestos survey and management tool called Survey JEM. We have always designed databases to be as user friendly as possible. As a result our software has a very low training requirement and a high level of data quality. Ensuring our online applications are easy to use saves our clients time and money but also ensures the lowest possible amount of embarrassing mistakes are passed on to their own clients.
If you need a database for your business then we would be happy to discuss your requirements with you. Call us today on 01953 425 932 or fill in our contact form.
Teaching and Coaching
Web Design Courses
We often provide training courses on subjects such as web design, WordPress, search engine optimisation, ecommerce and online marketing. We also do personal sessions for people who just want to get an idea of how to progress with a particular project. The feedback we get from the one to one sessions show that they always prove very useful and often provide clients with new ways to develop their business which had not previously occurred to them.
Our training sessions usually pay for themselves by not only giving clients an idea of what they need to do but also helping them to avoid expensive and time consuming mistakes. We like to work with our clients rather than just working for them so we often find the courses useful for us as well as useful to our clients.
On a few occasions we have been approached by people who want to learn how to build and maintain their own websites. In these cases we offer coaching and mentoring. We take the person through the fundamentals of planning a website, choosing a domain name, selecting search terms, creating or selecting a design, creating content and of course building the website itself. We work at a pace which our clients fell comfortable with and provide as much or as little help as required.
If you are interested in learning more about any aspect of the Internet then contact us today on 01953 425 932 or fill in our contact form. No previous experience or knowledge required.
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